What it has been like to be a Ukrainian:
- For centuries surviving attempts to erase our nation;
- Having our language, books, music as well as films and other cultural manifestations banned for over 50 times from the 17th century up to 2022 (according to Wikipedia: 4 times in the 17th century, 6 in 18th, 16 times in the 19th century, 21 in the 20th, 3 times so far in 21st);
- Being told we are nationalist or even nazis for wanting to speak Ukrainian and be called Ukrainian IN UKRAINE;
- Getting slammed as “privileged” because of the support we get from other nations when russia invaded our country and is killing, torturing and raping our citizens;
- Being told we are not good enough to be a part of European Union despite the fact that we are fighting like hell for the democratic/ European values (have been since 2014) and are defending Europe and the democratic world from the violet barbaric and nazi beast that is the russian federation;
What being Ukrainian now is is sticking to our guns despite all of the things described above and continuing to build our own in the way we choose.
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